
Kinesiology is a therapy that uses manual muscle testing to determine where the client may have imbalances in their system, and what the client needs in order to restore balance and wellbeing. The roots of kinesiology can be traced back to the American chiropractor George G. Goodheart who, in 1964, identified that the evaluation of normal and abnormal body function could be carried out by muscle testing.

Kinesiology muscle Testing

How does it work?

The basic concept behind Kinesiology is the fact that in order for the body to function correctly and maintain health there should be balance between all the body systems.

In Kinesiology terms this is related to the Mental, Physical, Chemical components of the body as well as the energy.

Kinesiology, which means “the study of movement” was discovered by chiropractor George Goodheart in the early sixties. He learned to interpret the results that he found when he exerted pressure on a limb to test how a specific muscle was working.

Goodheart also found that if a muscle wasn’t as strong as the other muscles, he could rub treatment points on the body that acted like switches and turned the muscle back on to full strength. He realised that if he stimulated certain acupuncture meridians, it would also restore a muscle’s strength and that each muscle shared a circuit with a meridian and an organ. This discovery allowed him get to the root of why some people’s hip, back or knee pain was not improving, or why they needed regular adjustments because treatment would not hold. He found that he was able to identify and correct muscle malfunctions by finding the cause of their distress. This might be a nutritional imbalance, an emotional stress, or an acupuncture meridian imbalance. He could then apply the best treatment for his patient’s underlying problems. Treatments worked really well and ‘held’ a lot longer. Since Dr Goodheart’s original discoveries, other practitioners have developed kinesiology into the amazing diagnostic tool it is today.

Kinesiology uses a range of gentle yet extremely powerful techniques. These restore and maintain health and well-being. You can function better on all levels. Kinesiology also allows the kinesiologist to draw on other healing techniques and modalities and integrate them into the session where appropriate and indicated by the muscle response.

If we can understand that the body has an innate ability to heal itself then we can assume that it is always trying to care for itself. Sometimes however through an imbalance due to stress (mental), a food intolerance that has been ‘undiagnosed’ (Chemical) or a physical injury (physical) then the body will eventually become unbalanced and that is where Kinesiology can help.

By using different muscles that are related to different energy systems (based on Chinese medicine) we can test where and what the imbalance is. It acts as a natural bio-feedback system where the muscles are the indicators.

Once we have established the reason for the imbalance then we can correct it by various techniques such as massage, colour, bach flower remedies, and sound.

If you think I can help please call me on 0161 374 2602 or use the contact box below. Julie


If you would like to know how Kinesiology can help you please contact me using this form OR call me on 0161 374 2602. Thank you

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Kinesiology has played a very significant part in my recovery from Borreliosis (Lyme Disease). Having suffered very severely for a period of over 12 months, my consultant recommended seeking other holistic treatments, to complement aggressive antibiotics prescribed by my GP. My initial scepticism of Kinesiology was put to rest within 48hrs of my first treatment. I could barely believe the improvement in my physical symptoms – something I hadn’t experienced in over a year. I have now had 4 treatments and each has facilitated a marked improvement. I am now fully returned to work, gently running and cycling again and really enjoying family time J.
Julie was recommended to me by a friend – and I would not hesitate to do the same for others.”



I came to see Julie after having a bad virus, which had left me struggling with my Fibromyalgia. I had been to see my GP, and was just told to take painkillers and rest, the same advice I have had for the last 10 years or so. I came to Julie after looking for a holistic therapist who had experience with Fibro, and who was going to look at me as a whole not just as a person with chronic pain. I had hoped to get a session of Bowen therapy, however Julie thought otherwise!

She suggested that we try Kinesiology to see how I responded, as she felt that some of my health issues could be emotional, mechanical or diet related. If I am honest, I was not expecting much from it, but I was immediately put at ease by Julie, and we started working.  The therapy is very gentle, you just lay down and try to not let your arm be moved by her – all very easy you think? Well, actually no.

Julie tested me for emotional issues, it came up that I had a problem with fear. This is very true as I had a severe head injury over 2 years ago which still causes me problems with anxiety. We also looked at food issues. Thanks to Kinesiology, I have cut out wheat, gluten and sugar. I am down to 2 mugs of coffee a day, instead of about 8!  When I left after the two hours I was there, I felt very calm. Which is not something that I have been in a long time. The day after I was like a new woman. No back pain, no joint pain and even now some 8 days later, no facial pain. This has been unheard of for the last few years. I do not pretend to understand how Kinesiology works, and I did not believe that this would work as well as it has. BUT I just know I now feel of beans and feeling like I can face the world again. Something which no other therapy (or prescription drugs) have been able to do. I would have no doubt in recommending Julie or Kinesiology to anyone in the future.  Thanks Julie!

