Natural Face Lift Massage (or Facial Rejuvenation)
This is a fantastically relaxing treatment that is a combination of Indian Face Massage, healing techniques including acupressure and lymphatic drainage, on the face and neck with out undergoing expensive cosmetic procedures!!
Wrinkles and worry lines are eased leaving the skin and your face looking more vibrant and youthful proving that you do not need to undergo expensive cosmetic procedures (often with negative side effects) to achieve beautiful young looking skin.
Using only the fingers, the Natural Face Lift Massage helps to pull up the skin, relax tense muscles that create and deepen lines on the face and bring back a healthy glow. Your skin becomes softer, eyes appear brighter and the complexion looks fresher. Any bagginess and puffiness around the eyes and jaw-line are reduced and flexibility and mobility return to the face
To enhance this wonderful 60 minute treatment I use award winning organic skincare from Neals Yard that is scientifically proven to benefit the appearance of your skin without the nasty chemicals.
This very relaxing treatment is perfectly developed to tackle the stresses and strains of our modern, fast-paced lives, working specifically on the lines and wrinkles that can give you that tired look.
Benefits of the Natural Face Lift Massage
While it is recommended that you have a series of 6 treatments to achieve the full effects of the Natural Face Lift massage you will notice even after your first massage some of these wonderful benefits including:
– Reduced wrinkles and expression lines. – Vibrant and youthful appearance.
– Your skin becoming softer.
– Your complexion and skin tone improved.
– Bagginess, sagginess and puffiness reduced.
– Elasticity returning to you face
– Lifts facial muscles
– Delays the ageing process.
A Natural Face Lift Massage also:
• Releases stress and tension
• Enhances feelings of well being
• Promotes deep relaxation
• Soothes headaches
• Clears the sinuses